Por que emprendemos nuevos viajes, extraordinarios.
Por que perdimos el equipaje con nuestras rutinas.
In the bucket list there's already too many places that I'd like to visit. But now that I've been traveling this much, I know that traveling, as important and beautiful as it is, isn't the only thing that I want to do before I die.
So -besides traveling and putting my feet in new lands, submerging in new waters and try to find wether I was born in that sea or not, or tasting the sweet of the locals- My question now is, besides traveling, what is in your bucket list?
And lots of beautiful answers came into my ears:
Tiago wants to build houses for people in third world countries
Andries wants to Fish!
Rohit wants to have a chalet in his origin town'
Mary will build a hotel in Chiapas
Ben will live on Tiago' built house, eat Andries Fish, stay for holiday's on Mary's hotel and come to visit Rohit' Chalet.
Even when you never thought about it, there'll always be beautiful things to discover.